
OPEN TODAY 10:00 AM TO 9:00 PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Sunday11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Spa Mirbeau Wellness Series

Host: Spa Mirbeau

Date: February 24, 2019 - March 10, 2019

Introducing Qi gong, a Spa Mirbeau Wellness series. There are three sessions in this series, register for one or for all three!

February 24th | Qi gong for Stress and Anxiety
March 3rd | Qi gong for More Energy
March 10th | Qi gong for Better Sleep

What is Qi gong?
Qi gong (pronounced: chee-gun), which combines meditative and physically active elements, is the basic exercise system within Chinese medicine. Qigong exercises are designed to help you preserve your Jing, strengthen and balance the flow of Qi energy, and enlighten your Shen.

February 24th | Qi gong for Stress and Anxiety:
While stress and anxiety are natural responses to modern life, they should not be a “constant” in your life. In this session, Maria Patrick, Certified Health Coach & Qi Gong Instructor, will help you transform your stress and anxiety into inner peace and tranquility. You will learn how to re-balance the Earth element within you, become present with your Heart Center, and build a protective “shield” against negative energy.

March 3rd | Qi gong for More Energy:
Energy is that secret substance we all seek. Described as the “elixir of life”, energy – or “Qi” – is the vital essence that creates health, harmony, and well-being. Qi Gong can stimulate your own natural resources, effortlessly and naturally, just like the sunrise inspires the birds to sing and flowers to open.

March 10th | Qi gong for Better Sleep:
Sleep is the energy of life! In this session, you will learn healthy sleep habits for improving your energy, health and longevity. Certified Health Coach & Qi Gong Instructor – Maria Patrick – will help you discover ways to improve your sleep, feel more rested & increase your vitality.

Visit https://bit.ly/2G3NNI6 for complete session descriptions.

Wellness Members – $15 / session – $40 / all three sessions
Non-Members – $25 / session – $60 / all three sessions

Registration required
Call 1(844)MIRBEAU to register today